
This month flies by in a flurry of baby announcements to immediate family and attempts to keep the news hush-hush from even the closest of friends.

Dinah is summering in the Berkshires for the fifth year in a row, ""re-bonding" with the solitary goldfish that lives in the small man-made pond in Tara's dad's front yard.

James takes the train from the city every Friday, and he and Tara try and cram their weekends full of activity in early anticipation of having a little one in their midst.  A visit to Mass Moca is inspiring, as are free slurpees from 7-11, Toy Story 3, and dinners at a number of Berkshire restaurants (you can imagine that Tara has become a pretty cheap date lately...)

Tara opens "The Guardsman" in the middle of the month and the cast and crew enjoy a hilarious, accident-prone run, complete with broken couch legs, impromptu acrobatics and an overturned tea cart thanks to the lazy maid (see her below).  Apparently, the clumsiness that goes along with pregnancy is not a myth.

with Jayne Atkinson and Mary Louise Wilson

The show closes on the last day of July, and Tara and James pack up the Prizm to head back to the city...