
Tara spends Easter weekend in the Berkshires, tooling around Bennington, VT

 eating lots of candy 

and admiring Pam Gold's deviled eggs.  (Many of you do not know, but Tara has a slight obsession with deviled eggs, and will always take a photograph of them if they are on display.)

Pam Gold's Deviled Eggs

"Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson" opens at The Public to rave reviews yet again, and the opening night party at the Union Square Ballroom receives honorable mention. 

It's a busy month with traveling to eastern CT for James' sister's Bridal Barbecue one weekend and family coming in to see the show on the next.  Tara books a Goldman Sachs industrial shoot and takes the day off from her office job to...go play a woman with an office job.  Hmmm.....

While James and Tara share opposite schedules, they occupy their alone time appropriately during the other's absence.  James does P90X and gets in shape.  Tara bakes whoopie pies and goes glow-in-the-dark bowling with Globex.  You know.  The usual.

Traditonal Chocolate and Cream

Chocolate with Almond Buttercream, rolled in salted toasted almonds.

Banana Whoope Pies with a chocolate buttercream filling.

Bowlmor Lanes.